Post Operative Care Limerick

The stage following an operation is delicate – both mentally and physically. It brings along a lot of uncertainty, stress and the possibility of getting infections, developing other illnesses and so much more. This is why, this stage calls for some expert guidance and care. Come to Kilcara House Nursing Home for all kinds of post-operative care for your family and friends. We provide the caring hand that anyone who goes through an operation needs. Our treatment methods help all patients to recover from their illnesses and medical conditions much faster. Our post-operative care methods include everything that is required to make one feel at home – to make one relaxed and comfortable.

Our personal care attendants come with a background of medical-surgical expertise, thus being able to provide you the best kind of care during your post-operative period. We are aware of the costs involved in surgeries these days and hence do not charge you a high rate, but only a just fee for our services. We are aware of the fact that the same kind of treatment is not required during the recovery period of each surgery. Thus, while a woman who has delivered a child will need a separate care than a man who has gone through a bypass surgery. The post-operative care systems at Kilcara House Nursing Home also vary for each case. We undertake research into the medical history of the patient and the kind of surgery he or she has gone through before assigning the method of care.

While we select only experienced and positive caregivers, we also do background research on their work history, criminal backgrounds, conduct health screening on them and take drug tests often. Thus, you can remain assured that only the best caregiver will be assigned to you or your family when you come to Kilcara House Nursing Home. Our caregivers are on the lookout for any complications or symptoms which might arise during the post-operation phase. They will assist you if you are going to the doctor, do some light housekeeping, shopping and cooking, run errands for you and help you with your exercises.